NBGNO LaceUp365 Recap
/Hello my frieeeeenndss! As most of you know by now, I recently emceed last week's New Balance Girls' Night Out (NBGNO). To get a refresher on how it came about read THIS. New Balance developed NBGNO with the goal of empowering women through physical and social experiences and opportunities, to connect with others. Last week's theme was LACEUP365. I've talked about how passionate I am for the #LaceUp365 program for close to a year now (HERE, HERE, AND HERE). Essentially, it represents New Balance's 25 year partnership with Susan G. Komen and was developed to bring awareness to breast cancer 365 days a year, not just in October. The ultimate goal being: a world without breast cancer. So, the next time you lace up for a workout and decide to take a selfie or a scenic photo - think about someone who has been diagnosed and give that little instagram pic a special hashtag #LACEUP365.
For those of you that have been touched by breast cancer by either experiencing it personally or someone you are close to, you understand why there is so much pink, so many organizations, and so many ribbons. And that understanding is this... guys, there is no cure. Doctors have made HUGE strides and have come so incredibly far, but, they still need more funding. Since Stacy's diagnosis, I've learned that breast cancer is REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY complex. I never, ever ever realized the complexity of BRCA and HER2, and FISH test and Progesterone positive or negative and Estrogen positive or negative. Gah! You catch my drift? Every diagnosis gets a different treatment.
So, New Balance dedicated last week's NBGNO to #LaceUp365. We chatted, we ran a few miles, we ate apps, had pink cosmos, dedicated our runs to BC survivors and honorees, and then I emceed a bit more and then the BRILLIANT BRILLIANT BRILLIANT DR. BRASTIANOS shared her story.
Action shot before we crossed the street.
Through the Common.
The sun setting over the Charles. Swoon.
Back at the store, it was my turn to chat with everyone again and tell my experience over the past year with #LaceUp365. At first I was super nervous, but, Renee (at New Balance) told me to just "have a conversation" with the girls, which totally relaxed me. It is Girls' Night Out, after all!
Dr. Priscilla Brastianos is a person on a mission with a deeply personal passion for finding a cure for breast cancer. A Komen research grantee, and Director of the Brain Metastasis Program at Massachusetts General Hospital, Dr. Brastianos is an incredible leader. She spoke at the Komen race 3 weeks ago which was when I first heard her story. Her grandmother diagnosed herself with breast cancer when she was in medical school at the age of 23 and then sadly passed at age 29. Her mother just passed of bc this year at age 57. I can't really explain to you how incredible this woman is... she's such an inspiration.
Dr. Brastianos is the second one in from the left.
If there's one thing that I want you all to take from her speech at the event, it's this:
She provided a lot of excellent information, but, this fact stood out to me big time and I actually didn't catch it at the race and I admittedly didn't know the percentage was that high. This is a big deal, it's proven. So, if you could all do yourselves a favor, if you're not already exercising, please start somewhere. I'm talking about more than walking. Get your heart rate up at least 3x per week. Lift, dance in the living room, join an exercise class, run, do push ups and squats, hit a heavy bag, jump rope, climb stairs, do jumping jacks, play spike ball, WHATEVER. Just please start exercising. That is one big huge number that really means something! If you need ideas for getting your heart rate up, message me and I'll guide you. I promise.
This dedication wall shouldn't have so many names. Let's make a cure happen!