Friday Favs 2.12.16
/Hi everybody and HAPPY FRIDAY! I hope you all have a great weekend planned! It's Valentine's Day which is one of my favorite holidays. I think a lot of people hate on Valentine's Day and I don't really understand why... what's wrong with spreading a little love to our favorites? Family, friends, signifs, whoever! I've always liked this holiday, even through my (many) single years. I had thoughtful friends that would reach out. My parents would send me a card or a little (usually comical) gift. I'd go out with my girlfriends, drink wine, and catch up. There's always a reason to celebrate. Spread a little love! Goodness knows this world could use a little more of that. I hope whatever you have planned brings you much happiness, laughs, warmth (because holy heck it's going to be cold in the Northeast), chocolate, netflix, and a little movement!
Here are my favs of the week:
{The sunset last Friday over the freshly fallen snow}
{Tropical Mango Smoothie Jar}
{Catching up with old friends at Trade last night and this delicate decor.}
{Enjoying healthy treats from Thirst on a day off.}
{Share the love, right? Right!}