Friday Favs

Happiest of Fridays to you my friends! Another August week has flown by and I'm looking forward to the opportunity of s l o w i n g   i t  d o w n   next week with a little staycation.  I like to take about a week off every August to reset my batteries, enjoy local travel, and get organized. This week, I am getting a small procedure done on Monday then I plan to hit the beach, relax, and finally complete the week with Mark & Kristen's wedding - YAY! I hope whatever you have planned for the weekend, it's awesome! 

Here are my favs of the week:


{Olive oil ice cream from Babbo. So different and so good.}


[Random rainbow over Duxbury.}


{Fresh parsley from my garden.}

{Morning summer sky.}


{How I plan to spend some days over the next week.}
