Garden in the City

I grew up with a gigantic front and back yard.​  My parents take a lot of pride in the landscape. My dad is a pro at keeping the lawn green, weed-free, and perfectly lined by the mower. In fact, when I would cut the grass as a kid/teenager... I had to make absolutely certain that I had perfectly parallel lines at a diagonal.  Otherwise, I had to go back and fix it. I am not kidding, haha.

My mom, is a pro gardener.  On numerous occasions, she has been asked if she has had the yard professionally landscaped.  She has done it all on her own with my dad.  I don't exactly have her talent... yet. In fact, she tested me on my skillz last week and I failed miserably. I think she was mildly horrified. That being said, the last two years, I've worked really hard to create a patio garden and this year, a deck garden.  My point is... I am not expert like my parents or my Aunt Debbie who is a horticulturist, however, I plant what I know and take some chances and it usually works out. ​If I can do it, you can do it.

There is nothing better than growing your own food.  A tomato out of the garden is 1,000,000 times better than store bought. ​Having access to basil, mint, thyme, parsley, and lettuce is priceless. I even freeze what I have leftover to use throughout the winter.

Simply visit your local florist or Home Depot and pick up some of your favorites. Follow the instructions on the tab and make sure you WATER.


​My deck started with absolutely nothing on it. I still have some work to do (stain it), but, step one is to buy a bunch of different pots and window boxes. I like a really rustic look so I get pots of all different shapes, sizes, and weights. You can pick up pots at Home Depot, Job Lot, Target, etc.

Next, fill the pots with proper potting soil.​ Read your instructions and start planting. Side note: I did not start from seed this year, but, if you want to tackle that, I absolutely recommend it!

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And there she is in all her glory.   I look forward to sharing recipes that are made up with items from my garden. Let me know if I can provide any guidance. Have an awesome week! xo